The Journey – Receiving Our Endowment
Author note:
The endowment ceremony is a divinely inspired presentation in which individuals are shown in the temple, through many symbols, the path which leads to receiving ones true endowment. This true endowment is entrance into the Celestial Kingdom where our Father resides and to become Kings and Queens, Priests and Priestesses. The endowment ceremony outlines the journey each of us will take individually.
It is the intent of the author to present the initiatory and endowment ceremonies in a semi-transparent fashion to encourage individuals in their progression along the path, while being certain not to disclose specific signs, tokens, keywords or penalties that the author and other individuals have covenanted to never divulge – except at a certain place. This article will outline the distinct stages leading to exaltation and receiving that which our Father desires all to receive – our endowment.
The author recognizes that there are many layers of understanding and interpretation one can be taught through the endowment ceremony. It should be acknowledged by the reader that the author claims no authority on the matter other than individual inspiration through the spirit, revelation and personal experience. All readers are encouraged to gain their own understanding by those same means.
Let us “BECOME”
A plan was set forth in the pre-existence that would allow us as individuals to progress and become as our Heavenly Parents. This plan is often referred to as “The Plan of Salvation” and “The Great Plan of Happiness”. This plan outlines a journey that leads to eternal life and exaltation.
We will focus on these amazing gifts and do so with the perspective that they are available to us in this life as there is no specific mention of a physical death in the endowment ceremony. “Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little…” We will look at the different stages along the way to receiving our own endowment. As we do so, you are encouraged to remember the initiatory and the endowment ceremony that takes place in the temple. These ceremonies are heavenly inspired and divinely appointed to serve as a road map, full of powerful symbols and direction. Rely upon the spirit to teach you truth and to shine light into your soul. Seek, ponder, pray and participate in these sacred ceremonies. As you do, ask the Father through prayer “where am I on this journey”.
Along this journey, if we continually press forward in obedience and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we will experience things that include, but not limited to:
- Being “Born Again”
- Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost
- Being washed – Justified
- The ministering of Angels
- Seeing visions
- Receiving revelation
- Hearing His voice
- Receiving our Calling & Election
- Being anointed – Sanctified
- Feeling the prints in His hands
These will help us “BECOME”.
Become What?
We are children of heavenly parents, created in their image (Genesis 1:26-27, Moses 2:26-27, D&C 130:22). As their children we have great potential. We can become as they are. Just as a puppy grows to be an adult dog and a baby man grows to be an adult man, man can become as the Father and woman can become as the Mother.
“We are created, we are born for the express purpose of growing up from the low estate of manhood, to become Gods like unto our Father in heaven.” – Brigham Young (Journal of Discourses 3:93)“As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may be.” – Lorenzo Snow
While some individuals may consider it ignorant or disrespectful to believe we have the potential to become like our heavenly parents, our savior Jesus Christ “thought it not robbery to be equal with God…” (Philippians 2:5-6).
In verse 7 of Philippians 2 we read Jesus Christ “…made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men…” (Philippians 2:7). And yet He would become like our Father.
To become like our Father the Savior did the work of the Father.
The work of the Father is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses1:39). Eternal life is the “greatest gift of all the gifts of God” (D&C 14:7) and it is given “through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).Eternal life is to “set down with [our] Father in his throne” (Rev. 3:21) once we have overcome, believed in Christ and endure to the end (2 Nephi 33:4).
How much joy our heavenly parents must feel when a child of theirs gets closer to receiving eternal life!
“Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God…” (D&C 18:10)
With this perspective, that we can receive eternal life and become as our heavenly parents, let’s take a closer look at the path that has been laid before us in the works of the temple.
“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)
In the temple we do work for the dead. This applies to us because we are as Adam; a fallen, natural man.
“…in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (Genesis 2:17)
We are temples. The temple is a symbol of us; we are not a symbol of the temple. We are meant to be holy and to house a god – as we are meant to become as He is. Currently we are fallen and dead. For the dead, temple work is required. The temple building shows us the work which is required to be done within us.
Our Initiation – Course Syllabus
A syllabus is an outline and summary of topics to be covered in a course. It should set clear expectations of what is to be presented and learned during the course. It provides a road map depicting the organization of the material and it should be given at the start of the first session. Here is our syllabus – the Initiatory.
The initiatory is divided into 4 main parts. These parts consist of an individual being:
- Washed
- Anointed
- Confirmed/Sealed
- Clothed
During the initiatory, unlike most ordinances performed within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the officiator does not specify by what authority he or she acts. They merely state “having authority”. This is significant as it points to an issue of much concern and contention for many – both male and female. The issue being that only worthy male members can hold the priesthood. Regardless of one’s understanding or view on the topic, it would seem that men and women hold the same authority to act in the ordinances of the initiatory. Keep in mind that this authority allows:
- Washing
- Anointing
- Confirming/Sealing
- Clothing
All of these processes are significant and separate ordinances that we can each participate in individually over the course of our journey. They are also contained in the endowment ceremony and this article will give an explanation of each ordinance. However, we are only in the “syllabus” for now.
We should notice that during the initiatory, participants have each part of them washed. Each part of them is being anointed. Each part of them is being confirmed/sealed. This is significant and is a reflection of the all encompassing power each ordinance has on an individual once they occur.
As we consider these four stages, keep the following scripture in mind:
“For by the water ye keep the commandment; by the Spirit ye are justified, and by the blood ye aresanctified…” (Moses 6:60)
Washing / Justification
Keeping the commandments are a necessary part of the journey – but to an extent they do little other than to lead us to the spirit which justifies. We are not saved by the law or by keeping the law. The law serves to “cut us off” and be a “school master”.
“And men are instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil. And the law is given unto men. And by the law no flesh is justified; or, by the law men are cut off. Yea, by the temporal law they were cut off; and also, by the spiritual law they perish from that which is good, and become miserable forever.”(2 Nephi 2:5)“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” (Galatians 3:24)“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.” (Galatians 2:16)
These scriptures teach us that:
- Men/women sufficiently know good from evil
- There are two parts to the law (temporal and spiritual)
- By the temporal law we are cut off and by the spiritual law we perish from that which is good
- The law is a schoolmaster that we might be justified
- Justification comes by faith and believing in Jesus Christ
- Justification does not come by works of the law
But what is Justification? To be justified means to be free of blame and guilt. It is to be acquitted from sin and accepted.
Those that believe are justified (Acts 13:39). We no longer “perish from that which is good”. While the temporal law will not save us, meeting the qualifications of the spiritual law will justify us.
“Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.” (Romans 3:28)
“By the water ye keep the commandment; by the Spirit ye are justified…” (Moses 6:60). By being baptized we keep the commandment, but it is by the spiritual baptism that we are justified. What does it take to experience this spiritual baptism?
“Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.” (2 Nephi 2:6-7)
It takes a broken heart and a contrite spirit. It does not take someone laying their hands on your head and stating “receive the Holy Ghost”. No, that declaration is a command and not a bestowal. With our baptism by water we have kept the commandments. This is good and we will know based on the confirming feeling of the spirit.
Here is a great example of an individual having their sins forgiven and the guilt swept away.
“And I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God, before I received a remission of my sins. Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the forests; and the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart. And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens. And there came a voice unto me, saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed. And I, Enos, knew that God could not lie; wherefore, my guilt was swept away. And I said: Lord, how is it done? And he said unto me: Because of thy faith in Christ…” (Enos 1:2-8)
This wasn’t because of a fulfillment of the temporal law; this occurred because of a broken heart and contrite spirit.
This process of justification leads to receiving the Holy Ghost; a constant companion. We will come to see that this is the second token we receive in the endowment – the Holy Ghost. This event/process has many names including but not limited to:
- Being “Born Again”
- The Mighty Change
- Baptism by Fire
- Becoming Clean
- Entering into the Strait and Narrow Path
- Remission of Sins
It is essential to experience this washing spiritually in order to enter the gate which leads to eternal life. There is no other way. Once you enter the gate, the work is not over.
“Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been shown unto me, that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter.For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water; and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost. And then are ye in this strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life; yea, ye have entered in by the gate; ye have done according to the commandments of the Father and the Son; and ye have received the Holy Ghost, which witnesses of the Father and the Son, unto the fulfilling of the promise which he hath made, that if ye entered in by the way ye should receive. And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.” (2 Nephi 31:17-19)
Before we allow ourselves to dismiss the importance of baptism by water, we should notice that it is mentioned in the previous scripture. Also, we will find it is mentioned in the endowment ceremony. It is the change when we take our shoes off.
Once the justification has been completed, you enter the sanctification stage.